Thursday, August 15, 2013


Things you should know:
  • I'm the user named snazzy882.
  • I need help going up in levels, but if no one helps I just keep trying by myself.
  • I do appreciate Fans, as I have quite a lot because I actually only thought ishacool and all that get fans, but I have had a lot x
  • My obvious biggest dream is to be a level 25 movie star as many others say.
  • I hate it when boys think girls are like bumming toys. One day they ask you out and then the other you see they have gone from your bf box and are with another girl or they cheat. And yes I am saying names this time who cheated on me: CM PUNK EPIC ages ago, but the only thing was it was my bf in real too.
  • The last thing is I hate it when people go do or delete....(Like isha?) Me and *kristle* hate it. (LVL 25)
PS: To all the haters out there, don't treat me like your better. You bullies take all the hate you want, you will never break my heart! EVER!Message to my fans: I love you and hope to see if you catch up on my newest movies x
Message to the boys: Go be a gentleman, GOSH!

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